A Non Religious Social Service Organisation.
Environment: Green & Clean India
Clean and Green Environment can lead to a healthy life and prevent pandemic like situations.

Beneficiaries As on Date : Qty 1251797.000

Project Incharge

Vir Surendra Maroti (MIDF)

(Int'l Director)
Mobile no +91 9374554021

Vir Surendra Maroti

Brief introduction :
Vir Surendra Maroti. MIF, MIGF. Textile Engineer from University of Calcutta, 1978 batch. Connected with Mahavir International as founder member of Surat,Main chapter since 1998. First MIF, Now MIGF.
Centre Secretary 2002 to 2004, Chairman 2012 to 2014. Special Invitee member, Governing Council 2014 to 2018. Zone Chairman 2018, GCM 2019 to 2021. Region Secretary Region 8, 2019-21.
Was associated with JIVAN VIGYAN ACCADEMY, SUAT as Secretary for 12 yrs consecutively. Joint Secretary, Terapanthi Shava, Surat for 2 yrs. Patron member, GITO, Surat Chapter. Life member, South Gujarat Chember of Commerce. Business, Authorized Synthetic Yarn Dealer of no of Companies in Surat

About The Project

Are we running out of time ? Rise and act before it is too late! Scientific evidence today, confirms that humanity’s demand on the planet’s living resources now exceeds its regenerative capacity by a wide margin. World Bodies, Government Departments,
NGOs and the Corporate Community are collectively brainstorming to find the solution to this critical problem.

The National Mission for a Green India recognizes that climate change phenomena will seriously affect and alter the distribution, type and quality of natural resources of the country and the associated livelihoods of the people.
It acknowledges the influences that the forestry sector has on environmental amelioration through climate mitigation, food security, water security, biodiversity conservation and livelihood security of forest dependent communities.

India, people living below the poverty line are particularly vulnerable to the disasters of climate change. There is an urgent need to create environmental awareness of the global warming phenomena and take the proactive step to go green. Mahavir International is the only leading NGO in India which envisioned that one of the best ways to start a big movement and get everyone on board is by setting the standards and showing people they are willing to make the changes needed to go green!

Our efforts are focused upon planting millions of trees by creating public awareness about concern for global warming, healthy living, water conservation, carbon footprints and importance of a clean environment

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